Who were the kings of Judah in order?

All the Kings of the southern kingdom of Judah in succession.

1 King Rehoboam King Solomon Naamah 1Ki 14:21
1Ki 14:31
2Ch 12:13
2 King Abijah King Rehoboam Michaiah/
1Ki 15:2
2Ch 11:20
2Ch 13:2
3 King Asa King Abijah N/A 2Ch 14:1-15
2Ch 15:1-19
2Ch 16:1-14
1Ki 15:8-24
4 King Jehoshaphat King Asa Azubah1Ki 22:42
2Ch 20:31
5 Jehoram of Judah King Jehoshaphat N/A 2Ki 8:16
6 Ahaziah of Judah Jehoram of Judah Athaliah 2Ki 8:26
2Ki 11:1
2Ch 22:10
7 Queen Athaliah King Ahab Jezebel 2Ch 21:6
2Ki 8:26
1Ch 8:26
8 Jehoash of Judah Ahaziah of Judah Zibiah 2Ki 12:1
2Ch 24:1
9 King Amaziah Jehoash of JudahJehoaddan 2Ki 14:2
2Ch 25:1
10 King UzziahKing Amaziah Jecoliah 2Ch 26:3
11 King Jotham King Uzziah Jerushah 2Ch 27:1
12 King Ahaz King Jotham N/A 2Ch 27:9
13 King Hezekiah King Ahaz Abijah 2 Kings 18:1-2
2Ch 29:1
14 King Manasseh King Hezekiah Hephzibah 2Ki 21:1
Isa 62:4
15 King Amon King Manasseh Meshullemeth 2Ki 21:19
16 King Josiah King Amon Jedidah2Ki 22:1
17 Jehoahaz of Judah King Josiah Hamutal 2Ki 23:31
18 King Jehoiakim King Josiah Zebudah 2Ki 23:36
19 King Jehoiachin King Jehoiakim Nehushta 2Ki 24:8
20 King ZedekiahKing JosiahHamutal 2Ki 24:18

Kings of Judah, arranged according to the length of their reign.

King Manasseh 55 years 2 Chronicles 33:1
2 Kings 21:1
King Uzziah 52 years 2 Kings 15:2
King Asa 41 years 2 Chronicles 16:13
Jehoash of Judah 40 years 2 Chronicles 24:1
King Josiah 31 years 2 Chronicles 34:1
King Amaziah 29 years 2 Chronicles 25:1
King Hezekiah 29 years 2 Chronicles 29:1
2 Kings 18:2
King Jehoshaphat 25 years 2 Chronicles 20:31
King Rehoboam 17 years 1 Kings 14:21
King Jotham 16 years 2 Chronicles 27:1
2 Kings 15:33
King Ahaz 16 years 2 Chronicles 28:1
2 Kings 16:2
King Jehoiakim 11 years 2 Chronicles 36:5
2 Kings 23:36
King Zedekiah 11 year 2 Chronicles 36:11
2 Kings 24:18
Jehoram of Judah 8 years 2 Kings 8:17
Queen Athaliah 7 years 2 Kings 11:3-4
King Abijah 3 years 2 Chronicles 13:2
1 Kings 15:2
King Amon 2 years 2 Kings 21:19
Ahaziah of Judah 1 years 2 Kings 8:26
Jehoahaz of Judah 3 months 2 Chronicles 36:2
King Jehoiachin 3 months 2 Kings 24:8

Kings of Judah, arranged according to the age at which they were crowned.

Rehoboam 41 year 1 Kings 14:21
Jehoshaphat 35 year 2Ch 20:31
Jehoram 32 years 2 Kings 8:17
Amaziah 25 year 2Ch 25:1
Hezekiah 25 year 2Ch 29:1
2 Kings 18:2
Jotham 25 year 2Ch 27:1
2 Kings 15:33
Jehoiakim 25 year 2Ch 36:5
2 Kings 23:36
Jehoahaz 23 year 2Ch 36:2
Ahaziah 22 year 2 Kings 8:26
Amon 22 years 2 Kings 21:19
2Ch 33:21
Zedekiah 21 year 2Ch 36:11
2 Kings 24:18
Ahaz 20 year 2Ch 28:1
2 Kings 16:2
Jeconiah 18 years 2 Kings 24:8
Uzziah 16 year 2 Kings 15:2
Manasseh 12 year 2Ch 33:1
2 Kings 21:1
Josiah 8 year 2Ch 34:1
Jehoash 7 year 2Ch 24:1
Abijah N/A N/A
Asa N.A N/A
Athaliah N/A N/A  

N/A depicts that information about the age at which they were made kings was not provided.

Kings of Judah, arranged according to their lifespan.

Uzziah 68
Manasseh 67
Jehoshaphat 60
Rehoboam 58
Amaziah 54
Hezekiah 54
Jehoash 47
Ahaziah 43
Jotham 41
Jehoram 40
Josiah 39
Ahaz 36
Amon 24
Abijah N/A
Asa N/A
Athaliah N/A
Jehoahaz N/A
Jehoiakim N/A
Jeconiah N/A
Zedekiah N/A

N/A depicts that information about the age at which he started reigning and or the age at which he died was not available.

Morality of the kings of Judah

RehoboamEvil2Ch 12:1
AbijahEvil1Ki 15:3
AsaGood1Ki 15:11
2Ch 14:2
JehoshaphatGood2Ch 17:3
JehoramEvil2 Kings 8:18
AhaziahEvil2 Kings 8:27
AthaliahEvil2 Kings 11:1
JehoashGood, but apostatized2Ch 24:2
2Ch 24:17-22
AmaziahGood, but apostatized2Ch 25:2
2Ch 25:14
UzziahGood2Ki 15:3
2Ch 26:4
JothamGood2Ch 27:2
AhazEvil2Ch 28:1-2
HezekiahGood2Ch 29:2
ManassehEvil, but repented2Ki 21:1-16
2Ch 33:12
AmonEvil2Ki 21:20-21
JosiahGood2Ki 22:2
JehoahazEvil2Ki 23:32
JehoiakimEvil2Ch 36:5
JehoiachinEvil2 Kings 24:9
ZedekiahEvil2Ch 36:12

‘Evil’ means that the king forsook the Lord God and served idols for life.
‘Good’ means that the king served the Lord faithfully for life.
‘Apostatized’ means, though the king started with the fear of God, in the course of his reign, he forsook the Lord and served idols.

King of Judah who had more than one name.

(Joram is another way of pronouncing Jehoram.)
2 Kings 8:21
2 Kings 8:23
2 Kings 8:24
2 Kings 11:2
1Ch 3:11
Matthew 1:8
(Joash is another way of pronouncing Jehoash.)
2Ki 11:21
2Ki 12:1
2Ki 12:2
2Ki 12:4
2Ki 12:6
2Ki 12:7
2Ki 12:18
UzziahAzariah2Ch 26:1-23
2 Kings 15:1-7
(In a prophecy, Prophet Jeremiah called King Jehoahaz by the name Shallum.)
Jeremiah 22:11
(Pharaoh Necko changed his name to Jehoiakim.)
2 Kings 23:34
2Ch 36:4
(Nebuchadnezzar changed his name to Jehoiachin.)
1Ch 3:16
1Ch 3:17
Jer 24:1
Es 2:6
Jer 27:20
Jer 28:4
Jer 29:2
(Coniah is the short form of Jeconiah.)
Jer 22:24
Jer 22:28
Jer 37:1
(Nebuchadnezzar changed his name to Zedekiah.)
2Ch 36:11-13
2 Kings 24:17-20
Jer 21:1-14
Jer 38:10-28
Jer 39:1-8
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