Who then is a loyal devoted faithful and prudent sagacious wise servant, whom his lord hath made overseer manager ruler over his domain household estate , to give them meat sustenance food in due season? Blessed Favored Fortunate is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh arriveth returneth shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods assets possessions . But and if that corrupt wicked evil servant shall say in his thoughts mind heart , My lord delayeth postpones prolongs his coming; And shall begin to abuse smite strike his fellowservants, and to feast eat indulge and carouse drink revel with the intoxicated drunken inebriated ; The lord of that servant shall come in a time day moment when he watcheth expecteth looketh not for him, and in an instant period hour that he is not mindful cognizant aware of, And shall cut rend tear him asunder, and appoint him his portion share lot with the deceivers pretenders hypocrites : there shall be weeping lamenting wailing and grinding gnashing clenching of teeth.