Job quiz

This quiz is based on Job 1:1-5 NIV.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. Who did Job fear?
2. Where did Job live?
3. Job was described as what?
4. How many sons had Job?
5. How many daughters had Job?
6. How many children had Job?
7. How many sheep did Job have?
8. How many camels did Job have?
9. How many oxen did Job have?
10. How many donkeys did Job have?
11. How many servants did Job have?
12. In terms of riches, Job was described as                                 .
13. What were Job's sons in the habit of doing?
14. When did Job sacrifice a burnt offering to purify his children?
15. What time of the day did Job offer a burnt offering to purify his children?
16. Why did Job sacrifice burnt offerings to purify his children?


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