Peter raises Tabitha to life quiz

This quiz is based on Acts 9:36-43 NIV

1. Tabitha was described as what?
2. In Greek, Tabitha is rendered as what?
3. What killed Tabitha?
4. Where was Peter before he came to Jopper?
5. Who invited Peter to come to Jopper?
6. What was Peter invited to Jopper to do?
7. Why did the church in Jopper seriously want Tabitha to come back to life?
8. What did Peter do right before raising Tabitha to life?
9. How did Peter raise Tabitha to life?
10. When Tabitha rose from the dead, who helped her to stand on her feet?
11. What resulted from the resurrection of Tabitha?
12. After the miracle, Peter stayed in Jopper for some time. Who did he stay with?
13. When Tabitha died, her body was washed and placed in                              .
14. Who was sent to bring Peter to Jopper?


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