Consequences of the love of money

The Love of money is a very evil thing. And we get to know that very well because of the bad effects or the bad consequences it has on its …

Bible characters who loved money

1. Achan was guilty of the love of money Before the Israeli army took Jericho, Joshua told them, “17 The city and all that is in it are to be devoted …

Signs of the love of money

The Bible says, “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light (Luke 8:17).” Nothing would …

Why do people love money?

We all need money because life on this earth requires that we have money. Money is not evil as some people misquote it; it is rather the love of money …

What is the way to holiness?

Holiness is being pure, separated from sin, and dedicated to God. To be holy is to strive to align one’s actions, thoughts, and desires with God’s word, distinguishing oneself from …

How to bear fruit as a Christian

All along, every person born of a woman lives through a lifelong struggle to do good works before the Lord for our effort to do good works is vehemently opposed …

What are the important reasons for bearing fruit?

Fruitfulness in Christianity means showing positive and productive behaviors in our lives in agreement with the Scriptures. From time immemorial, all who know and believe in the one true God …

What are the hindrances to fruit-bearing?

Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:1-15, and Matthew 13:1-23, the Parable of the Sower gives us a clue as to what hinders some Christians from bearing fruit. According to the parable, some …

What are the benefits of bearing fruit?

Bearing fruit means doing good works by obeying the word of God. Reading the Bible, it does not take much effort to learn that God expects all who call on …

John 14:6 meaning, lessons, etc.

One day, Jesus Christ was with His disciples and He was talking to them about a mystery; about something He was going to do; that he was going to prepare …

Love of the world, consequences, dangers

The love of the world God and the world cannot coexist in the heart Consequence or dangers of loving the world What to do Conclusion Food for thought The love …

Love Jesus more than anything

Jesus Christ walked the earth, showing love. He put His love on display when He went about speaking kindly to people, healing the sick, preaching salvation to win lost souls, …

What was the original sin of man?

The original sin is a term used to refer to the first act of sin committed by Adam and Eve that led to the fall of man. A long time …