Signs of the love of money

The Bible says, “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light (Luke 8:17).”

Nothing would be concealed forever. If a person, a Christian or an unbeliever, is living in the sin of the love of money, it will certainly be made manifest in his life, because he will put up the habits pertaining to the love of money.

Engaging in ungodly occupation

In this world, crime, immorality, and wickedness abound so much. People engage in child trafficking, drug trafficking, pimping, prostitution, gambling, etc. All these people who involve themselves in these evil deeds have one thing in common; that is, they love money and these criminal deeds are manifestations of their love for money.


Judas Iscariot put his love of money on display by stealing. In Jesus’ ministry, Judas Iscariot was the treasurer; but this trusted disciple was stealing money from the money box that was entrusted to his care. Today, Christians who are latter-day Judas Iscariots are stealing from the church, the fellowship, the ministry, the organization, the family, the community, or the state for their selfish use. Theft and embezzlement are ways of putting the love of money on display.

Discontent and obssession with money

People who are guilty of the love of money have an inward discontent. It appears to them that they have not made enough money and there is a ragging appetite to accumulate more money for themselves. Therefore Christians who love money do not see the wisdom in taking a break off the job for evening services, Bible Studies, prayer, and spending time with their families. They allot all their time to work at the expense of their salvation and the welfare of their families.  


As part of the effects of their insidious discontent, lovers of money exact money from others. Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector and was better off, yet that did not stop him from exacting money from taxpayers. Governor Felix was well paid and was better off by far as a governor, but that did not prevent him from being corrupt, expecting to receive a bribe from Paul before he would grant him freedom (Acts 24:24-26). No amount of money – income, salary, profit, or wage – is enough for those who love money. They are ever willing and ready to use their position to extort, defraud, and bully others for their money.  

Envy and coveteousness

Christians, human as we are, sometimes, turn to envy the prosperity of others. However, a true Christian has learned to overcome envy to avoid sinning against God. But those people, both Christians and unbelievers, who have fallen prey to the love of money are envious of the prosperity of others and they would want to covet it. So their envy gives birth to covetousness. Lovers of money are seeking to take advantage of the leniency, ignorance, generosity, and weakness of other people to covet their property such as land, money, house, business, etc.

Amassing abundant wealth for one’s self

The large sums of money some people, both Christians and unbelievers, have kept for themselves without considering helping the less fortunate in society is one good sign of the love of money. Some people just love to amass so much money for themselves. Sometimes, this sign of the love of money is motivated by prestige; that is, it is motivated by one’s desire of being counted among the richest people on earth.

Being willing to do anything for money

Some people have left their decent jobs to become pornstars, drug traffickers, etc. because these sinful practices promise great riches. Lovers of money are willing and ready to take up any ungodly offer or opportunity or job if only it promises huge sums of money. In the same way, Christians who love money compromise on their Christian virtues to sign up for ungodly offers and opportunities that promise prosperity.


Briefly, signs of the love of money come in many forms. People who are living in the love of money, both Christians and non-Christians, would use all manner of dishonest means with the hope of making great gains. Satan, using money as bait, is able to lure them to fall into the temptation of corruption, covetousness, cheating, embezzlement, stealing, betraying, taking another person’s life, etc. all in a bid to make money or to make more money.

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