
G52. agnoia, ag’-noy-ah

from agnoeo; ignorance (properly, the quality):–ignorance.


Ac 3:17 And /kai/ now /nun/, brethren /adelphos/, I wot /eido/ that /hoti/ through /kata/ ignorance /agnoia/ ye did /prasso/ it, as /hosper/ did also /kai/ your /humon/ rulers /archon/.

Ac 17:30 And /men/ /oun/ the times /chronos/ of this ignorance /agnoia/ God /theos/ winked at /hupereido/; but now /tanun/ commandeth /paraggello/ all /pas/ men /anthropos/ every where /pantachou/ to repent /metanoeo/:

Eph 4:18 Having the understanding /dianoia/ darkened /skotizo/, being /on/ alienated /apallotrioo/ from the life /zoe/ of God /theos/ through /dia/ the ignorance /agnoia/ that is /on/ in /en/ them /autos/, because /dia/ of the blindness /porosis/ of their /autos/ heart /kardia/: {blindness: or, hardness}

1Pe 1:14 As /hos/ obedient /hupakoe/ children /teknon/, not /me/ fashioning yourselves according to /suschematizo/ the former /proteron/ lusts /epithumia/ in /en/ your /humon/ ignorance /agnoia/:


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