
G50. agnoeo, ag-no-eh’-o

from -a (as a negative particle) and noeo; not to know (through lack of information or intelligence); by implication, to ignore (through disinclination):–(be) ignorant(-ly), not know, not understand, unknown.


Mr 9:32 But /de/ they understood not /agnoeo/ that saying /rhema/, and /kai/ were afraid /phobeo/ to ask /eperotao/ him /autos/.

Lu 9:45 But /de/ they understood not /agnoeo/ this /touto/ saying /rhema/, and /kai/ it was /en/ hid /parakalupto/ from /apo/ them /autos/, that /hina me/ they perceived /aisthanomai/ it /autos/ not /hina me/: and /kai/ they feared /phobeo/ to ask /erotao/ him /autos/ of /peri/ that /toutou/ saying /rhema/.

Ac 13:27 For /gar/ they that dwell /katoikeo/ at /en/ Jerusalem /Hierousalem/, and /kai/ their /autos/ rulers /archon/, because they knew /agnoeo/ him /touton/ not /agnoeo/, nor yet /kai/ the voices /phone/ of the prophets /prophetes/ which /ho/ are read /anaginosko/ /kata/ every /pas/ sabbath day /sabbaton/, they have fulfilled /pleroo/ them in condemning /krino/ him.

Ac 17:23 For /gar/ as I passed by /dierchomai/, and /kai/ beheld /anathaoreo/ your /humon/ devotions /sebasma/, /kai/ I found /heurisko/ an altar /bomos/ with this /en/ /hos/ inscription /epigrapho/, TO THE UNKNOWN /agnostos/ GOD /theos/. Whom /hos/ therefore /oun/ ye ignorantly /agnoeo/ worship /eusebeo/, him /touton/ declare /kataggello/ I /ego/ unto you /humin/. {devotions: or, gods that ye worship}

Ro 1:13 Now /de/ I would /thelo/ not /ou/ have /agnoeo/ you /humas/ ignorant /agnoeo/, brethren /adelphos/, that /hoti/ oftentimes /pollakis/ I purposed /protithemai/ to come /erchomai/ unto /pros/ you /humas/, (but /kai/ was let /koluo/ hitherto /achri/ /deuro/,) that /hina/ I might have /echo/ some /tis/ fruit /karpos/ among /en/ you /humin/ also /kai/, even as /kathos/ /kai/ among /en/ other /loipoy/ Gentiles /ethnos/. {among: or, in}

Ro 2:4 Or /e/ despisest thou /kataphroneo/ the riches /ploutos/ of his /autos/ goodness /chrestotes/ and /kai/ forbearance /anoche/ and /kai/ longsuffering /makrothumia/; not knowing /agnoeo/ that /hoti/ the goodness /chrestos/ of God /theos/ leadeth /ago/ thee /se/ to /eis/ repentance /metanoia/?

Ro 6:3  /e/ Know ye not /agnoeo/, that so /hoti/ many of us /hosos/ as were baptized /baptizo/ into /eis/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/ were baptized /baptizo/ into /eis/ his /autos/ death /thanatos/? {were: or, are}

Ro 7:1  /e/ Know ye not /agnoeo/, brethren /adelphos/, (for /gar/ I speak /laleo/ to them that know /ginosko/ the law /nomos/,) how that /hoti/ the law /nomos/ hath dominion over /kurieuo/ a man /anthropos/ as long as /epi/ /hosos/ /chronos/ he liveth /zao/?

Ro 10:3 For /gar/ they being ignorant /agnoeo/ of God’s /theos/ righteousness /dikaiosune/, and /kai/ going about /zeteo/ to establish /histemi/ their own /idios/ righteousness /dikaiosune/, have /hupotasso/ not /ou/ submitted themselves /hupotasso/ unto the righteousness /dikaiosune/ of God /theos/.

Ro 11:25 For /gar/ I would /thelo/ not /ou/, brethren /adelphos/, that ye /humas/ should be ignorant /agnoeo/ of this /touto/ mystery /musterion/, lest /hina me/ ye should be /o/ wise /phronimos/ in /para/ your own conceits /heautou/; that /hoti/ blindness /porosis/ in /apo/ part /meros/ is happened /ginomai/ to Israel /Israel/, until /achri/ /hos/ the fulness /pleroma/ of the Gentiles /ethnos/ be come in /eiserchomai/. {blindness: or, hardness}

1Co 10:1 Moreover /de/, brethren /adelphos/, I would /thelo/ not /ou/ that ye /humas/ should be ignorant /agnoeo/, how that /hoti/ all /pas/ our /hemon/ fathers /pater/ were /en/ under /hupo/ the cloud /nephele/, and /kai/ all /pas/ passed /dierchomai/ through /dia/ the sea /thalassa/;

1Co 12:1 Now /de/ concerning /peri/ spiritual /pneumatikos/ gifts, brethren /adelphos/, I would /thelo/ not /ou/ have /thelo/ you /humas/ ignorant /agnoeo/.

1Co 14:38 But /de/ if any man /ei tis/ be ignorant /agnoeo/, let him be ignorant /agnoeo/.

2Co 1:8 For /gar/ we would /thelo/ not /ou/, brethren /adelphos/, have /agnoeo/ you /humas/ ignorant /agnoeo/ of /huper/ our /hemon/ trouble /thlipsis/ which /ho/ came /ginomai/ to us /hemin/ in /en/ Asia /Asia/, that /hoti/ we were pressed /kata/ out /bareo/ of measure /huperbole/, above /huper/ strength /dunamis/, insomuch /hoste/ that we /hemas/ despaired /exaporeomai/ even /kai/ of life /zao/:

2Co 2:11 Lest /hina me/ Satan /hupo/ /Satanas/ should get an advantage of us /pleonekteo/: for /gar/ we are not /ou/ ignorant /agnoeo/ of his /autos/ devices /noema/.

2Co 6:9 As /hos/ unknown /agnoeo/, and /kai/ yet well known /epiginosko/; as /hos/ dying /apothnesko/, and /kai/, behold /idou/, we live /zao/; as /hos/ chastened /paideuo/, and /kai/ not /me/ killed /thanatoo/;

Ga 1:22 And /de/ was /emen/ unknown /agnoeo/ by face /prosopon/ unto the churches /ekklesia/ of Judaea /Ioudaia/ which /ho/ were in /en/ Christ /Christos/:

1Th 4:13 But /de/ I would /thelo/ not /ou/ have /thelo/ you /humas/ to be ignorant /agnoeo/, brethren /adelphos/, concerning /peri/ them which are asleep /koimao/, that /hina me/ ye sorrow /lupeo/ not /hina me/, even /kai/ as /kathos/ others /loipoy/ which /ho/ have /echo/ no /me/ hope /elpis/.

1Ti 1:13 Who /ho/ was /on/ before /proteron/ a blasphemer /blasphemos/, and /kai/ a persecutor /dioktes/, and /kai/ injurious /hubristes/: but /alla/ I obtained mercy /eleeo/, because /hoti/ I did /poieo/ it ignorantly /agnoeo/ in /en/ unbelief /apistia/.

Heb 5:2 Who can /dunamai/ have compassion /metriopatheo/ on the ignorant /agnoeo/, and /kai/ on them that are out of the way /planao/; for /epei/ that he /perikeimai/ himself /autos/ also /kai/ is compassed /perikeimai/ with infirmity /astheneia/. {can…: or, can reasonably bear with}

2Pe 2:12 But /de/ these /houtos/, as /hos/ natural /phusikos/ brute /alogos/ beasts /zoon/, made /gennao/ to /eis/ be taken /halosis/ and /kai/ destroyed /phthora/, speak evil /blasphemeo/ of /en/ the things that /hos/ they understand not /agnoeo/; and shall utterly perish /katphtheiro/ in /en/ their own /autos/ corruption /phthora/;


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