What does Luke 9:59-60 mean?

59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. 60  Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:59-60 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

We are not to suppose by this prohibition, that Christ disallows or disapproves of any civil office from one person to another, much less of a child to a parent, either living or dying; but he lets us know,

1. That no office of love and service to man must be preferred before our duty to God, to whom we owe our first and chief obedience.

2. That lawful and decent offices become sinful when they hinder greater duties.

3. That such as are called by Christ to preach the gospel, must mind that alone, and leave inferior persons; as if Christ had said, “Others will serve well enough to bury the dead, but thou that art called to minister unto God, must do that unto which thou art called.” Under the law the priests might not come near a dead corpse; nor meddle with the interment of their own parents, unto which our Saviour here probably alludes.

BURKITT | Luke 9:1-6 | Luke 9:7-9 | Luke 9:10-11 | Luke 9:12-17 | Luke 9:18-22 | Luke 9:23-24 | Luke 9:25 | Luke 9:26 | Luke 9:27 | Luke 9:28-36 | Luke 9:37-42 | Luke 9:43-45 | Luke 9:46-48 | Luke 9:49-50 | Luke 9:51 | Luke 9:52-53 | Luke 9:54 | Luke 9:55-56 | Luke 9:57-58 | Luke 9:59-60 | Luke 9:61-62 |