This quiz is based on Zechariah chapter 13 (KJV and NKJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. On that day, there would be a fountain opened to who?
2. Why would the fountain be open to the people?
3. On that day, what would God do about idolatrous religion?
4. On that day, who would God expel from the land?
5. On that day, God would cause the people to forget what?
6. On that day, what would be done to whoever would prophesy?
7. On that day, what would become of the prophets?
8. What did the prophets of old wear to identify themselves as prophets?
9. When the shepherd is killed,                           .
10. According to the prophecy, the sword was called against who?
11. What would come to pass in all lands?
12. What would God do to the one-third of the people of the land that would remain?
13. Why would God take the one-third through the fire?
14. The Lord would refine the one-third like what?
15. The Lord would test the one-third of the people like what?
16. What would result from the refinement and the test God would take the third part through?
17. What testimony would God bear about this one-third?
18. What testimony would the third part bear about God?


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