The wise men visit Jesus quiz

This quiz is based on the event where wise men came to visit baby Jesus. The story can be found in Matthew 2:1-12 NIV.
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1. In whose reign was Jesus born?
2. Some wise men traveled to Israel to see the newborn Jesus. Where in Israel did the wise men first go?
3. What was the king's mood when he heard that the wise men had come to see the newborn king of the Jews?
4. Who told King Herod that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem?
5. Why did King Herod call the wise men secretly?
6. Where did Herod send the wise men to search for the newborn king?
7. What led the wise men to where baby Jesus and His parents were?
8. What did the wise men do when they saw baby Jesus?
9. What gift did the wise men give to Jesus?
10. What did Herod tell the wise men to do if they found the newborn king?
11. Why did the wise men return to their country by another route?
12. Where did the wise men come from?


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