The word world has several meanings depending on the context. With respect to 1 John 2:15, which says, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.”, the term world refers to the carnal, sin-glorifying, or sin-causing things, behavior, and beliefs inspired by the devil. One of the commands that we receive from God as Christians is not loving the world. And these are the reasons why we should keep it:
- You should not love the world because friendship with the world or being a fan and follower of worldly music, materialism, pleasures, etc. will lead you astray, distance you from God’s guidance, and make you an enemy of God. (James 4:4)
- You should not love the world because it does not know Christ (John 1:10; John 17:25). The world only constitute immorality, materialism, self-serving ideologies, and egocentric pursuits. As a result, it is oblivious to the teachings of love, compassion, and humility imparted by Christ.
- You should not love the world because it hates Christ and His followers (John 15:18). The world hates because Christ spoke against its evil deeds (John 7:7).
- You should not love the world because gaining the world might lead to the loss of your soul (Mt 16:25). That is, the accumulation of worldly possessions and achievements often comes at the expense of one’s spiritual well-being.
- You should not love the world because we Christians are forbidden to do that. The Spirit speaking through John explicitly warns against loving the world and its sinful desires. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15).
- You should not love the world because Christ did not interceed for the world. Jesus specifically stated, “I pray for them (followers): I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine” (John 17:9). The world, being under the influence of sin and Satan, stand in opposition to God, and is destined for judgment (John 12:31). Therefore, Christ refused to interceed for the world; it is doomed along with all those who align with it.
- You should not love the world because we believers do not belong to it (John 17:16). As believers our ultimate home is heaven and this world is a temporary dwelling, a place of testing and preparation for the eternal life that awaits us.
- You should not love the world because it cannot receive the Holy Spirit (John 14:27) for it neither sees Him nor knows Him. The world, being carnal and opposed to God, cannot comprehend spiritual things nor seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- You should not love the world because its prince is Satan (Joh 14:30). Satan being the ruler or prince of this world (John 16:11) means worldly systems operate under his influence. Therefore, loving it would mean aligning yourself with evil.
- You should not love the world because it is not Christ’s kingdom. Jesus told Pilate that His kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). This means His reign is spiritual and eternal, unlike the temporary systems of the world. Christians are called to focusing on God’s kingdom rather than worldly desires.
- You should not love the world because its wisdom is foolishness (1Co 1:20). It is foolishness because it exalts human reasoning and rejects God, leads people away from faith, and promoting pride rather than humility before God. Believers should seek divine wisdom, which leads to eternal life.
- You should not love the world because its wisdom is ignorance. The world, despite its intellectual advancements, failed to know God through its wisdom (1Co 1:21). This ignorance leads to spiritual blindness.
- You should not love the world because Christ does not belong to it. Jesus told the Jews that He was from above and not of this world (John 8:23). Since Christ is not of the world, His followers should also separate themselves from worldly ways, living as strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
- You should not love the world because it is condemned by God, and those who follow its ways will be condemned with it (1Co 11:32). Believers, however, are disciplined by the Lord to avoid this condemnation, ensuring they remain in His righteousness (1Co 11:32).
- You should not love the world because it killed Christ (Acts 2:23). The world, driven by sin and rebellion, crucified Jesus Christ (Mt 21:39) and, since then, it has continued to persecute and kill His followers (1Th 2:14-15).
- You should not love the world because its fashion is passing away (1Co 7:31). The things and desires of the world are temporary and fleeting. Those who pursued worldly things will find them meaningless in the end. Instead, aim at eternal treasures in heaven (Mt 6:19-21).
- You should not love the world because we are crucified to it (Ga 6:14). This means our old self, which was bound to worldly desires, has been put to death through Christ, leading us to live a new life in Him.
- You should not love the world because it is crucified to us. Paul declared that through the cross, the world is crucified to him (Ga 6:14). This means he no longer values worldly pleasures and ambitions and so should we all be.
- You should not love the world because its god is the devil. Satan, called the “god of this world,” blinds people from seeing the truth of the gospel (2Co 4:4). Hence, the world follows Satan’s influence.
- You should not love the world because it is the seat of wickedness. The world is filled with corruption and wickedness due to sin (2Pe 1:4). John also states that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19).