Kings who were murdered

The murder of King Eglon 12 And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord strengthened Eglon the king of Moab …

Examples of Coup d’état in the Bible

Coup or coup d’état is a forceful seizure of power. The thirst and struggle for power is an ancient phenomenon. And the Bible which constitutes a substantial amount of history …

Who was a kingslayer in the Bible?

A kingslayer is one who kills a king. Many kings in the Bible did not die a natural death. Their lives were taken from them by others. Here are some …

Kings who practiced idol worship

Idol worship was a forbidden act among the people of God, the Israelites. God – the God who delivered them from bondage and brought them out of the land of …

Who were the kings of Judah in order?

All the Kings of the southern kingdom of Judah in succession. # KING FATHER MOTHER REFERENCE 1 King Rehoboam King Solomon Naamah 1Ki 14:211Ki 14:312Ch 12:13 2 King Abijah King …

Wicked queens in the Bible

Some of the wicked kings we know in the Bible were also married to wicked queens who either encouraged their husbands to do evil or they themselves did evil in …

Who are the wicked kings in the Bible?

Examples of wicked kings in the Bible While some kings did good, other kings dealt wickedly with the people over whom they ruled, hence the description ‘wicked kings‘. Arranged chronologically, …

Kings who were captured

Kings of Judah who were captured This is a list of kings who were captured; that is to say, they were taken alive and were in the possession of their …

Disease and death of kings

Kings who died with diseases Normally, when people grow old, they encounter health failures which lead to their death; and that is not what we want to talk about here. …

Which Kings died in foreign lands?

Kings of Judah who died in foreign lands It is an honor for a king to reign and die at home; that is, on the land of his jurisdiction; so …