Job quiz

This quiz is based on Job 1:1-5.

The woman with the issue of blood quiz

This quiz is based on the event where a woman suffering from bleeding sickness came to touch Jesus to receive her healing. This event can be found in Mark 5:24-34.

The man born blind quiz

This quiz is based on the event where Jesus miraculously healed a blind man. The event can be found in John 9:1-12.

Hezekiah’s Illness Quiz

This quiz is based on the event where King Hezekiah of Judah was sick and Isaiah was sent to him. This can be found in 2 Kings 20:1-11.

The Good Samaritan quiz

This quiz is based on the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37 which tells the story of a traveler who fell into the hands of robbers.