Translated and abridged from French by E. L. E. B. Edited by CHARLOTTE M. YONGE



The sweet peace of God bears the outward token of resignation.

When the Holy Spirit dwells within us everything seems bright.

Everything may not be exactly as we would wish it, but we accept all with a good grace.... For instance, some change in our household or mode of living upsets us. If God is with us, He will whisper, "Yield cheerfully thy will; in a little while all will be forgotten."

Some command or employment wounds our pride; if God is with us, He will say to us, "Be submissive, and I will come to thine aid."

We may dislike a certain neighborhood; the society there may be repulsive to us, and we are about to become morbid: God will tell us to continue gracious and smiling, for He will recompense the little annoyances we may experience. If you would discern in whom God's Spirit dwells, watch that person, and notice whether you ever hear him murmur.


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