Simeon and Anna quiz

This quiz is based on the account of Simeon and Anna found in Luke 2:25-40 (NIV).
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1. Simeon was described as what?
2. What had the Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon?
3. Why did Simeon come into the temple when Jesus' parents were there?
4. When would Simeon die?
5. Why did Mary and Joseph bring baby Jesus into the temple?
6. Simeon referred to Jesus as what?
7. What was the reaction of Mary and Joseph about what Simeon said about Jesus?
8. According to Simeon, Jesus was destined to do what?
9. What did Simeon say about Jesus' mother, Mary?
10. Anna was described as what?
11. Who was Anna's father?
12. Anna was from which tribe of Israel?
13. How old was Anna when she met Jesus' parents in the temple?
14. Anna was married for how many years?
15. Who blessed baby Jesus and his family?
16. How many years had Anna been a widow?
17. Anna spoke about baby Jesus to who?
18. When Jesus' parents were done in the temple, they returned to where?
19. How often was Anna in the temple to fast and pray?
20. Which region could Nazareth be found in


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