Samuel in the temple quiz

The questions and answers of this quiz are based on the history of Samuel’s childhood and the events thereof found in 1 Samuel 3:1-21 NIV.
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1. During Samuel's childhood, the word of God was                                 in Israel.
2. Apart from the word of God, what else was scarce in Israel during Samuel's childhood?
3. Why was it that Eli's eyes could barely see?
4. What was wrong with Eli?
5. Where was Samuel sleeping the day the Lord called him?
6. How many times did Samuel go to Eli before Eli realized God was calling Samuel?
7. What did Samuel say in response when God called him?
8. What did Eli teach Samuel to say in response if God called him again?
9. What have Eli's sons done against God?
10. What did Eli do wrong against God?
11. How many times did God call Samuel before he responded?
12. What time of the day did Samuel open the door of the house of the Lord?
13. Who forced Samuel to tell Eli about his vision?
14. As an adult, Samuel was regarded as what?
15. Where did God continue to appear to speak to Samuel?


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