Romans 8 Quiz

This quiz is based on Romans chapter 8 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. On what condition would one escape condemnation?
2. According to Romans 8, God sent His Son Jesus in the likeness of what?
3. According to Romans 8, God sent His son because of what?
4. Why did God send Jesus to condemn sin in the flesh?
5. Who minds the things of the flesh?
6. Who minds the things of the Spirit?
7. To be carnally minded is                                  .
8. To be spiritually minded is what?
9. Why is the carnal mind hostile to God?
10. Who cannot please God?
11. According to Romans 8, if the Spirit of God lives in you then                                   
12. According to Romans 8, who does not belong to Christ?
13. Under what condition is your body dead because of sin, but your spirit is alive because of righteousness?
14. What happens to you if you have the Spirit of him who raised Christ from the dead?
15. If you live after the flesh,                             .
16. How do you put to death the deeds of the body?
17. Who are reckoned as the sons of God?
18. According to Romans 8, what spirit have we not received?
19. According to Romans 8, what spirit have we received?
20. The spirit we have received as believers enables us to do what?
21. According to Romans 8, The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit                              .
22. According to Romans 8, if we believers are children of God then we are what?
23. According to Romans 8, believers are joint heirs with who?
24. According to Romans 8, what does all creation expectedly wait for?
25. Who subjected creation to vanity?
26. What was the hope for which creation was made subject to vanity?
27. What had been the state of creation before the Christian era?
28. Who groaned in waiting for the adoption?
29. '... even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption'. In this context, the adoption refers to what?
30. According to Romans 8, we are saved by                                     .
31. Hope that is seen is                                 .
32. According to Romans 8, how does the Holy Spirit help us in our infirmities?
33. According to Romans 8, what is our weakness as believers?
34. According to Romans 8, he who searches the hearts                                      .'
35. The Spirit of God makes intercession for the saints                                    .
36. In which manner does the spirit make intercession for believers?
37. All things work together for good for who?
38. Who did God predestine to conform to the image of His Son?
39. According to Romans 8, who did God call?
40. What did God do for those He called?
41. According to Romans 8, what is the assurance that God will freely give believers all things?


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