15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. (Romans 7:15 KJV)
William Burkitt’s Commentary
These words are an argument to prove what Apostle Paul had asserted in the foregoing verse; namely, That he was held under the power of sin unwillingly, because he did not allow or approve of any evil which he did contrary to the holy law of God, but did hate and abominate it, was displeased with it and with himself for it.
An unregenerate man’s judgment and conscience are sometimes against sin; which makes him afraid to commit it; but a gracious person’s will, heart and affections are all set against sin. Indeed there is a regenerate and an unregenerate part in the Christian’s will (he is sanctified totus, but not totaliter😉 so far the will is renewed, it hates all sin, and meditates the ruin and destruction of it.
And observe, It was not this or that particular evil, but all evil which the apostle hated. A wicked man may hate a particular evil, as Absalom hated Ammon’s uncleanness; but to hate all sin is the character of none but a regenerate person.
Observe, lastly, That a good man sometimes, through the power of corruption and the prevalency of temptation, does that evil which is disallowed and disapproved by him; yea, which is very odious and hateful to him: he loathes in part what he does, and afterwards loathes himself for the doing of it; and when he does evil, allows not of the evil that he does.