What is the meaning of Romans 6:1-2?

1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? (Romans 6:1-2 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Apostle Paul begins this chapter with an objection, which some licentious person might be ready to make against what he had delivered at the close of the foregoing chapter; namely, that where sin abounded, pardoning grace and mercy did much more abound. If, say they, the riches of grace be thus manifested in the pardon of sin, let us then take the more liberty to sin, because grace so exceedingly abounds in the pardon of it. The apostle rejects such an inference with the greatest detestation and abhorrence, saying, God forbid, &c.. As if he had said, “Oh vile abuse of the most excellent thing in the world! What! did Christ shed his blood to expiate our guilt? and shall we make that a plea to extenuate our guilt? God forbid! surely there is forgiveness with God, that he may be feared, not that he may be the more abused.” 

In the words, observe, 1. An objection supposed, as if the doctrine of the gospel did countenance licentiousness, and encourage any sin, or to continue in sin.

2. Observe with what abhorrence and indignation such a doctrine and proposition is rejected by our apostle.

What! shall we continue in sin, because pardoning mercy does abound?

God forbid, that such a direct blasphemy against the holy doctrine of our Saviour should be maintained by any professor.

Observe, 3. The confutation which he gives of this bold and impudent assertion; How shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Dead to sin, that is, by our baptismal engagement, vow, and obligation; every Christian, at his first entrance upon the profession of Christianity does take upon himself a vow of solemn obligation to die to sin and to live no longer therein.

From the whole, learn, That to take any encouragement to live in sin from the consideration of God’s rich mercy and free grace towards sinners is an absurd, abominable, and blasphemous impiety, contrary to all ingenuity, gratitude, and love, both to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ his Son.