Romans 5 Quiz

This quiz is based on Romans chapter 5 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. On what condition do you have peace with God?
2. Through whom do you have peace with God?
3. According to Romans 5, faith in Jesus gives us access to what?
4. What attitude do believers show toward tribulation?
5. What attitude does tribulation make the believer develop?
6. What enables the believer to develop character?
7. What strengthens the believer's hope of salvation?
8. What does not put the believer to shame?
9. Who sheds the love of God abroad in our hearts?
10. According to Romans 5, Christ died for the                       .
11. It is scarce for someone to die for                                 .
12. Someone might dare to die for a                                .
13. According to Romans 5, how did God show his love toward us?
14. According to Romans 5, having been justified by Christ's blood, what do we stand to gain?
15. Having been reconciled through Christ's death, what does His resurrection bring us?
16. What reconciles us to God?
17. Through whom did sin enter the world?
18. Sin leads to what?
19. According to Romans 5, why does man die?
20. Under what condition is sin imputed on a person?
21. Who was described as the figure of him that was to come?
22. How did death reign in the world?
23. According to Romans 5, who shall reign in life through Jesus?
24. According to Romans 5, how did judgment came upon all men to condemnation?
25. According to Romans 5, what did the righteousness of Jesus Christ bring into effect?
26. How did the free gift of God come?
27. How did man become a sinner?
28. According to Romans 5, what does Jesus' obedience bring into effect?
29. According to Romans 5, what was the effect of the presence of the law?
30. But where sin abounded,                               .
31. According to Romans 5, sin reigns to death but, grace reigns                                       .


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