Romans 13 Quiz

This quiz is based on Romans chapter 13 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best.
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1. Who institutes the governing authorities?
2. According to Romans 13, those who rebel against authority                                  .
3. What becomes of those who rebel against authority?
4. Rulers are not a terror to                                   .
5. Rulers are a terror to                                   .
6. How would we have the praise of rulers?
7. When are we to be afraid of rulers?
8. According to Romans 13, rulers are described as                               .
9. What are rulers ordained to do?
10. Why should Christians be subject to worldly rulers?
11. As part of their submission to rulers, Paul exhorted the Roman believers to do what?
12. Because worldly rulers have given their full time to governing, what did Paul exhort the believers to do?
13. What is the summary of the commandments?
14. As believers, how do we fulfill the law of God?
15. Why is love the fulfillment of the law?
16. Why is it high time to wake out of sleep?
17. Because the night is far spent and the day is at hand, what should believers do?
18. What did Paul exhort the Roman believers not to do?
19. What did Paul exhort the Roman believers to put one?


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