Romans 12 Quiz

This quiz is based on Romans chapter 12 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best.
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1. What did Paul beseech the Roman believers to do?
2. Why should believers not conform to the world but be transformed by renewing their minds?
3. According to Romans 12, though we are members of one body, what differs among us?
4. Which gifts were mentioned in Romans 12?
5. According to Romans 12, the believers were exhorted to love without                               .
6. According to Romans 12, Paul exhorted them to abhor                                     .
7. Paul exhorted the Roman believers to cleave to what?
8. How did Paul exhort the Roman believers to think about?
9. According to Romans 12, how did Paul exhort the Roman believers to treat one another?
10. According to Romans 12, how did Paul exhort them to go about their business?
11. How did Paul exhort the Roman believers to be transformed?
12. Paul exhorted the Roman believers to rejoice                                       .
13. Paul exhorted the Roman believers to be patient                                          
14. Paul exhorted the Roman believers to continue steadfastly                                      .
15. How did Paul exhort the Roman believers to treat those who persecute them?
16. What did Paul exhort the Roman believers not to do?
17. Paul exhorted the Roman believers to rejoice with who?
18. Paul exhorted the Roman believers to weep with who?
19. What did Paul exhort the Roman believers to do to those who have done them evil?
20. Why should believers not avenge?
21. What effect results from treating your enemy well?
22. According to Paul, in what way can a believer do good to his enemy?
23. How did Paul exhort the Roman believers to overcome evil?
24. Paul exhorted the Roman believers that if possible, as much as it depended on them, we should do what?


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