Revelation 7 Quiz

This quiz is based on Revelation 7 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. After the breaking of the sixth seal and the consequences thereof, how many angels did John see standing at the four corners of the earth?
2. What were the angels at the four corners of the earth doing?
3. What did the angel ascending from the east have?
4. What did the angel ascending from the east tell the angels at the four corners of the earth?
5. Which part of the body of the servants of God would be sealed by the angel from the east?
6. How many servants of God were sealed in Israel by the angel?
7. How many people were sealed in each tribe of Israel?
8. Which of the original twelve tribes of Israel was missing from the tribes mentioned here in Revelation 7?
9. After the sealing of the servants of God, John looked and saw a great multitude standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were called from                      .
10. The great multitude of people John saw standing before the throne and the Lamb was clothed with what?
11. The great multitude of people before the throne of God and the Lamb was holding what?
12. What did the great multitude say to God?
13. How did the angels respond to the cry of the great multitude?
14. While the great multitude was before the throne and the Lamb, where were the angels?
15. The great multitude before the throne and the Lamb was which people?
16. What blessings await the believers who shall make it out of the great tribulation?
17. Who spoke to John about the great multitude?
18. Who asked John to tell who the great multitude was?


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