Revelation 4 Quiz

This quiz is based on Revelation 4 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. When John looked, what did he see in heaven?
2. Who told John to come up?
3. Why was John told to come up?
4. In heaven, what was the appearance of the one who sat on the throne?
5. What was around the throne of God?
6. The elders in heaven sat on what?
7. How are the elders in heaven adorned?
8. What issued from the throne of God?
9. What stood before the throne of God?
10. What represented the seven spirits of God?
11. Who was in the center and around the throne?
12. The first living creature John saw was like what?
13. The second living creature John saw was like what?
14. The third living creature John saw was like what?
15. The fourth living creature John saw was like what?
16. How many winds did each living creature have?
17. The living creatures have                                    .
18. What do the four living creatures do?
19. What do the twenty-four elders do?
20. What do the twenty-four elders say to God in worship?
21. What do the four living creatures say to God in worship?
22. According to John, what thing in heaven shone like an emerald?
23. According to Revelation 4, what thing in heaven did John liken to crystal?


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