Revelation 3 Quiz

This quiz is based on Revelation 3 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. How did Jesus introduce Himself to the church in Sardis?
2. What is the hypocrisy of the Sardis church?
3. What did Jesus tell the church in Sardis to do?
4. What did Jesus have against the church in Sardis?
5. If the Sardis church refuses to heed Jesus' word, what will happen to them?
6. What did Jesus promise to do for those in Sardis who have not defiled themselves?
7. Speaking to the Sardis church, what reward did Jesus promise he who overcomes?
8. How did Jesus introduce Himself to the church in Philadelphia?
9. What did Jesus acknowledge about the church in Philadelphia?
10. What praiseworthy thing did the Philadelphian church do?
11. What would Jesus do for the Philadelphian church?
12. Who would Jesus make to come and worship before the feet of the Philadelphian believers?
13. Since the Philadelphian believers have kept Jesus' teaching about patient endurance, what did Jesus promise to do for them?

word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.
14. In relation to the truth that Jesus would be coming soon, what were the Philadelphian believers told to do?
15. How would the Philadelphian church prevent someone from taking their crown?
16. Speaking to the church in Philadephia, what reward awaits he who overcomes?
17. How did Jesus introduce Himself to the church in Laodicea?
18. What was the work of the Laodicean church?
19. What did Jesus have against the Laodicean church?
20. Why did Jesus threaten to spew the Laodicean church out of His mouth?
21. What was the boast of the Laodicean church?
22. What was the Laodicean church ignorant of?
23. What did Jesus advise the Laodicean church to do to be rich?
24. What did Jesus advise the Laodicean church to do to put away their shame of nakedness?
25. What did Jesus advise them to do to have sight?
26. According to Revelation 3, what does Jesus do to those He loves when they go wayward?
27. What does Jesus promise anyone who hears his knocking and opens the door?
28. Speaking to the church in Laodicea, what does Jesus promise he who overcomes?


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