Revelation 22 Quiz

This quiz is based on Revelation 22 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best.
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1. In the new Jerusalem, where does the river of life come from?
2. What did John see on both sides of the river of life?
3. The tree of life bore how many kinds of fruits?
4. How long does it take the tree of life to bear fruits?
5. The leaves of the tree of life were meant for what?
6. Which of these shall be done away with in the new Jerusalem?
7. In the new Jerusalem, the name of God shall be written on                             .
8. In the New Jerusalem, mankind shall have the opportunity to do what?
9. Why will the new Jerusalem need no candle nor the light of the sun?
10. The content of Revelation was declared as what?
11. According to Revelation 22, one of the titles of God is what?
12. Who did God send to John to show him the Revelation?
13. According to Revelation 22, who was declared blessed?
14. In gratitude, what did John want to do for the angel who showed him everything?
15. Why did the angel forbade John to worship?
16. How did the angel who showed John the Revelation describe himself?
17. What did the angel exhort John to do instead of worshiping him?
18. What order was given to John concerning the book of Revelation?
19. Because the time was at hand, what was John told not to do?
20. He who is unjust, leave him to be                               .
21. He who is filthy, leave him to                                 .
22. He who is righteous,                         .
23. He who is holy,                          .
24. Jesus is coming again to do what?
25. According to Revelation 22, how long will it take Jesus to return to this earth?
26. Who will have the right to the tree of life?
27. Who has the right to enter the new Jerusalem?
28. Who shall be denied entry into the new Jerusalem and, therefore, shall be outside the city?
29. According to Revelation 22, Jesus describes Himself as what?
30. According to Revelation 22, who is calling the sinner to come to Jesus?
31. Now, who is allowed to drink from the water of life?
32. If anyone adds anything to the prophecies of this book, what should become of him?
33. What is the last word in the book of Revelation?
34. What becomes of any man who takes away any part of the content of this book of Revelation?


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