Revelation 19 Quiz

This quiz is based on Revelation 19 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. Heaven expressed joy about the fall of Babylon the great harlot with a song. Who sang the song in heaven?
2. What did the voice in heaven praise God for?
3. How did the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures respond to the voice of praise in heaven?
4. John heard the voice of a great multitude like the sound of water or of thunderings. What did the voice announce in his speech?
5. The wife of the Lamb was wearing what?
6. Which of these represents the righteousness of the saints?
7. In Revelation 19, who was declared as blessed?
8. What did the angel who was showing John the revelation forbid him to do?
9. The angel of God who was showing John the revelation described himself as what?
10. The testimony of Jesus is                               .
11. John saw heaven opened and beheld a white horse and he who sat upon it. What were the names of the rider?
12. The one who sat on the white horse judges and makes war in                             .
13. The eyes of the one who sat on the white horse in heaven were like what?
14. What did he who sits on the white horse wear on his head?
15. The armies of heaven accompanied the rider of the white horse, sitting on what?
16. The armies of heaven who accompanied the rider of the white horse were dressed in what?
17. What came out of the mouth of the rider of the white horse in heaven?
18. What was the sword from the mouth of the white horse's rider meant to do?
19. What was written on the robe and on the tigh of the rider of the white horse?
20. The rider of the white horse shall rule the nations with what?
21. What was the message of the angel standing in the sun?
22. Who did the angel standing in the sun speak to?
23. Who led the armies of the nations to make war with the rider of the white horse?
24. Which sort of people was the false prophet able to deceive?
25. During the war with heaven, what became of the false prophet and the beast?
26. What became of the armies of men that fought against the rider of the white horse?
27. Who said in heaven, "Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great."?


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