Revelation 12 Quiz

This quiz is based on Revelation 12 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. The pregnant woman John saw was clothed with what?
2. What did the pregnant woman have under her feet?
3. What did the pregnant woman wear on her head?
4. The dragon that appeared had how many heads?
5. How many horns did the dragon have on his many heads?
6. The dragon was described as what?
7. What was upon the heads of the dragon?
8. What havoc did the dragon cause with his tail?
9. What did the dragon intend to do when she came to stand in front of the pregnant woman in labor?
10. The pregnant woman gave birth to                               .
11. What was the woman's child destined to do?
12. How was the woman's first child saved?
13. The woman John saw fled to where?
14. Where has God prepared a place for the woman John saw?
15. How long would the woman be fed at the place God has prepared for her?
16. Who fought against the dragon and his angels?
17. What happened to the dragon and his angels when they lost the battle?
18. According to Revelation 12, the dragon is also called what?
19. At what point was it said, "Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: ..."?
20. They overcame the dragon by what?
21. Who was called to rejoice over the fall of the dragon?
22. According to Revelation 12, why is the earth and the sea in great danger?
23. According to Revelation 12, the devil was also referred to as what?
24. Why was the devil with great wrath when he came to this earth?
25. What did the devil tend to do when he was cast down from heaven to the earth?
26. What was given to the woman to make her escape from the devil, the dragon?
27. How did the woman transport herself from the face of the dragon to the place prepared for her?
28. What did the devil do to attack the woman while she was fleeing?
29. Who helped the woman when the devil attacked while she was fleeing?
30. Why does the dragon make war with the rest of the woman's children?
31. Which of the woman's children does the devil fight against?


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