Philemon 1 Quiz

This quiz is based on Philemon chapter 1. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. According to Philemon 1 v 1, how did Paul describe himself?
2. How did Paul address Philemon?
3. Who else was the letter to Philemon addressed to?
4. According to Philemon 1, why was Paul joyful and consoled?
5. Whom had Paul sent to Philemon?
6. Paul pleaded with Philemon to receive Onesimus as what?
7. According to Philemon 1, Paul said he had confidence in what?
8. According to Philemon 1:18, what did Paul earnestly hope for?
9. Earlier, what was Onesimus to Philemon?
10. What was Onesimus to Paul?


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