Paul and Silas in prison at Philippi quiz

This quiz is based on Acts 16:16-40 NIV. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best.
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1. When they were released from prison, whose house did Paul and Silas go?
2. How many days did the slave girl follow Paul and his companions?
3. What did the slave girl say when she followed Paul and his companions?
4. Who had Paul and Silas arrested for delivering the slave girl from the evil spirit?
5. What accusation was made against Paul and Silas when they were arrested for casting out the demons in the slave girl?
6. After the arrest, where were Paul and Silas taken to face the authorities?
7. Who had Paul and Silas beaten before they were imprisoned?
8. What instruction was given to the jailer when Paul and Silas were brought to him?
9. Where did the jailer put Paul and Silas?
10. At what time did Paul and Silas pray and sing hymns?
11. What happened in the prison when Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns?
12. What made the prison doors fly open and everyone’s chains come loose?
13. Why did the jailor want to kill himself?
14. Who shouted to the jailer that he should not harm himself?
15. What did the jailer ask from Paul and Silas?
16. What did Paul and Silas tell that jailer when he asked about salvation?
17. What did the jailor do when he repented and accepted Christ?
18. When the jailor and his family accepted Jesus, what did Paul and Silas do for them?
19. Who sent officials to have Paul and Silas released from prison?
20. Who came to escort Paul and Silas out of prison?
21. Why did the magistrates become afraid for imprisoning Paul and Silas?


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