The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds quiz

This quiz is based on Matthew 13: 24-30 and Matthew 13:36-43 NIV.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. Who will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father at the end of age?
2. According to the parable, the kingdom of God is like what?
3. What did the man sow in his field?
4. Who sowed the weeds in the man's field?
5. At what point did the weeds appear in the man's field?
6. What did the man's servant want to do to the weeds?
7. Why did the man want the weeds to continue growing in the field without being removed?
8. What would be done to the wheat during the harvest?
9. Who sowed the good seed in the field?
10. The field on which the seeds were sowed refers to ...............
11. The good seed stands for what?
12. The weeds stand for what?
13. Who is the enemy in the parable?
14. Who were the harvesters?
15. Who would be sent to gather the bad people for their destruction at the end of age?
16. At the end of age, who would be thrown into the blazing furnace?
17. The harvest stands for what?
18. What would happen to those who will be thrown into the blazing furnace?
19. What would be done to the weeds during the harvest?


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