The same day went Jesus out of the dwelling home house , and sat by the shore sea lake side. And great crowds multitudes gatherings were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship vessel boat , and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore edge beach . And he spake many things unto them in sayings stories parables , saying, Behold, a farmer sower planter went forth to plant scatter sow ; And when he sowed, some seeds kernels grains fell by the path road way side , and the fowls creatures birds came and devoured ate consumed them up: Some fell upon stony rocky hard places, where they had not much earth ground soil : and forthwith they grew rose sprung up, because they had no deepness of ground earth soil : And when the heat sun light was up, they were burned scorched withered ; and because they had no support root foundation , they withered away. And some fell among brambles thorns weeds ; and the thorns sprung up, and suffocated strangled choked them: But other fell into rich fertile good ground, and brought forth fruit crop yield , some an century-fold hundred times hundredfold , some sixty times sixtyfold sixtyfold , some thirty times thirtyfold thirtyfold . Who hath ears to hear listen understand , let him hear.