The parable of the sower quiz

This quiz is based on the parable of the sower found in Matthew 13:1-9 NIV.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. Where did Jesus teach about the parable of the sower?
2. Who did Jesus speak to about the parable of the sower?
3. Why did Jesus preach the parable of the sower from a boat?
4. According to the parable of the sower, first, where did some of the seed fall as the farmer was scattering them?
5. According to the parable of the sower, second, where did some of the seeds fall as the farmer was scattering them?
6. According to the parable of the sower, third, where did some of the seeds fall as the farmer was scattering them?
7. According to the parable of the sower, fourth, where did some of the seeds fall as the farmer was scattering them?
8. Which seed was able to bear fruit?
9. Which seed grew but was scorched by the sun to wither?
10. What happened to the seed that fell among thorns?
11. Which seed was eaten by birds?


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