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Noah’s ark story summary
Catastrophic events do hit the earth at one time or the other. Several generations after Adam and Eve, the human population increased on the earth and along with it came sins and all manner of wickedness; it was to such an extent that God deemed it fit to restart everything. Hence He hatched a plan to bring a floor to wipe away all humans along with other lives on the earth.
However, amidst the moral degeneration, there was one righteous man, Noah, whom God wanted to spare – he and his family. To this effect, God had Noah build a massive ark. This ark is what we refer to as Noah’s Ark. Noah’s ark was a salvation plan from God to preserve the lives of Noah, his family, and some animals. Indeed, Noah built the ark and the flood came to destroy all life on the earth that did not enter the ark.
Where is Noah’s ark story in the Bible?
- God threats to flood and calls Noah to build an ark, Ge 6:1-22
- The event of the flood, Ge 7:1-24
- The flood waters dry up, Ge 8:1-22
After the flood, what happened to Noah’s ark?
It is categorically stated in the Bible that this global flood waters, having taken the ark off the ground to a high altitude, alighted it on the top of Mt Ararat.

Mt Ararat is a snow-capped mountain in the extreme east of Turkey which consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat and Little Ararat. Mount Ararat highlands extend into four countries which are Turkey, Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan.
Evidence of Noah’s Ark in Turkey
For the past few centuries, many researchers have gone on the quest to find the remains of this ark, with little or no success. However, In 1959, a Turkish army captain, Ilhan Durupinar, flew from Uzengili in an airplane over the Turkish Ararat highlands in a quest to map that remote area. His mission requires that he take photographs from the airplane. As he was taking pictures, he stumbled on something, an unusual rock formation, which he also photographed.

This unusual rock formation was in the shape of and appears to be the remains of a large ship, and it was 6500 feet above sea level inland. But what would such a colossal vessel be doing up the mountain? Little did he know he had stumbled upon the remains of Noah’s ark.