Nahum 1 Quiz

This quiz is based on Nahum chapter 1 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. NB: You may log in to save your score and track your progress.

1. Nahum was a                                             
2. Which of these emotions is common to both man and God?
3. Whom will God take vengeance on?
4. According to Nahum, God reserves wrath for who?
5. What is God slow to do?
6. Who shall the Lord not acquit?
7. According to Nahum 1, what is referred to as the dust of God's feet?
8. According to Nahum, what quake before God?
9. According to Nahum, what melts before God?
10. According to Nahum 1, what burns at God's presence?
11. God pours His fury out like what?
12. According to Nahum 1, on the day of trouble, God is our what?
13. According to Nahum 1, what would God not allow to rise up a second time?
14. According to Nahum 1, why was God threatening to destroy Nineveh?
15. What were the people of Judah told to do since the wicked shall be stopped from harassing them?
16. In the first chapter, Nahum's prophecies were about which kingdoms?
17. According to Nahum 1, what shall pursue God's enemies?
18. 'For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.' This promise was made to which kingdom?
19. 'Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace!' The term 'good tidings' used in this extract refers to what?
20. According to Nahum 1, the LORD has his way in what?


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