What is the meaning of Matthew 8:18-20?

18 Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart unto the other side. 19 And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. 20 And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. (Matthew 8:18-20 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Observe here, A person resolving to follow Christ; a good resolution, if made deliberately, and not rashly, not for sinister ends and secular advantages; which, it is to be feared, was the case here, by the answer which our Saviour gives; for, says he, foxes have holes, &c. that is, my condition in this world is very poor, worse than the birds of the air, for they have their fixed nests; or the beasts of the earth, for they have their dens and holes; but I have no fixed habitation.

Note,1. That many persons take up rash and sudden resolutions to follow Christ, before they have well considered what it will cost them; what they are likely to lose by being his disciples.

2. That such men may find themselves miserably mistaken, who expect to gain any thing by following of Christ, but their soul’s salvation.

Note, 3. The title given to Christ; he is stiled here and frequently elsewhere, The Son of man.

  • 1. To shew the truth of his humanity; the Son of man must be man.
  • 2. To shew the depth of his abasement; Christ humbled, yea, emptied himself, when being the Son of God he submitted to be made man: The Son of man hath not where to lay his head.