Matthew 7 Quiz

This quiz is based on Matthew chapter 7. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given.

1. Why should we desist from judging others?
2. What are you to do first before you correct someone?
3. According to Jesus' allegory, which of these characters does not deserve what is holy?
4. If you throw your pearls to pigs what will they do with them?
5. What reward is given to those who seek?
6. What reward is given to those who ask?
7. What would cause the door to open for you?
8. Which commandment summaries the Law and the teachings of the prophets?
9. What description is given to the gate that leads people to destruction?
10. What description is given to the way that leads to life?
11. What description is given to the way that leads to destruction?
12. What happens to the tree that does not bear good fruit?
13. How would we be able to identify a false prophet?
14. According to Jesus, which people shall go to heaven?
15. He who practices the word of God is like what?
16. He who does not put God's word into practice is like what?
17. According to Jesus' audience, how does Jesus teach?


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