What is the meaning of Matthew 7:1-2?

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. (Matthew 7:1-2 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Observe here, The prohibition, and the reason of that prohibition. Judge not, this is not meant of ourselves, but of our neighbour.

Self-judging is a great duty; judging others a grievous sin; yet is not all judging of others condemned, but a judging of our neighbour’s state or person rashly and rigidly, censoriously and uncharitably: especially unrighteously and unjustly. And the reason of the prohibition is added; if we judge others rashly, God will judge us righteously.

Learn thence, That a rash and censorious judging of others, renders a person liable and obnoxious to the righteous judgment of God.

Note farther, That Christ doth not here forbid judicial judging by the civil magistrate, nor ecclesiastical judging by the church governors, whose office gives them authority so to do. Nor does he forbid one Christian to pass a judgment on the notorious actions of another, seeing the duty of reproof cannot be performed without it; but it is such a rash and censorious judging our brother, as is void of charity towards him, as is accompanied with contempt of him, especially if we have been guilty of the same or greater sins before him.