What does Matthew 5:26 mean?

Matthew 5:26 KJV
Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

Matthew 5:26 NKJV
“Assuredly, I say to you, you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny.

Matthew 5:26 MKJV
Truly I say to you, You shall by no means come out from there until you have paid the last kodrantes.

Matthew 5:26 KJV 2000
Verily I say unto you, you shall by no means come out of there, till you have paid the last penny.

Interlinear KJV

Verily /amen/ I say /lego/ unto thee, /soi/ Thou shalt /exerchomai/ by no means /ou me/ come /exerchomai/ out thence, /ekeithen/ till /heos/ /an/ thou hast paid /apodidomi/ the uttermost /eschatos/ farthing. /kodrantes/

Albert Barnes’ Commentary

Verse 26. No specific Barnes text on this verse. See Barnes for Mt 5:25-26

Jamieson Fausset-Brown

Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, fill thou hast paid the uttermost farthing–a fractional Roman coin, to which our “farthing” answers sufficiently well. That our Lord meant here merely to give a piece of prudential advice to his hearers, to keep out of the hands of the law and its officials by settling all disputes with one another privately, is not for a moment to be supposed, though there are critics of a school low enough to suggest this. The concluding words–“Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out,” &c.–manifestly show that though the language is drawn from human disputes and legal procedure, He is dealing with a higher than any human quarrel, a higher than any human tribunal, a higher than any human and temporal sentence. In this view of the words–in which nearly all critics worthy of the name agree–the spirit of them may be thus expressed: “In expounding the sixth commandment, I have spoken of offenses between man and man; reminding you that the offender has another party to deal with besides him whom he has wronged on earth, and assuring you that all worship offered to the Searcher of hearts by one who knows that a brother has just cause of complaint against him, and yet takes no steps to remove it, is vain: But I cannot pass from this subject without reminding you of One whose cause of complaint against you is far more deadly than any that man can have against man: and since with that Adversary you are already on the way to judgment, it will be your wisdom to make up the quarrel without delay, lest sentence of condemnation be pronounced upon you, and then will execution straightway follow, from the effects of which you shall never escape as long as any remnant of the offense remains unexpiated.” It will be observed that as the principle on which we are to “agree” with this “Adversary” is not here specified, and the precise nature of the retribution that is to light upon the despisers of this warning is not to be gathered from the mere use of the word “prison”; so, the remedilessness of the punishment is not in so many words expressed, and still less is its actual cessation taught. The language on all these points is designedly general; but it may safely be said that the unending duration of future punishment–elsewhere so clearly and awfully expressed by our Lord Himself, as in Mt 5:29,30; Mr 9:43,48, 48| –is the only doctrine with which His language here quite naturally and fully accords. (Compare Mt 18:30,34).