What is the meaning of Matthew 24:45-47?

45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. (Matthew 24:45-47 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

These words may be applied two ways.

1. To all the faithful servants of Christ in general.

Thence learn, That for a person to spend and end his days in the service of Christ, and doing his will, gives good assurance of a blessed condition. Blessed is that servant.

2. To the ministers of the gospel in special may these words be applied.

And here observe, 1. The character and duty of a gospel-minister: He is the steward of Christ’s household to give them their meat in due season.

Observe, 2. The qualifications requisite in such stewards, faithfulness and prudence: Who then is that faithful and wise steward?

Observe, 3. The reward insured to such stewards as answer these qualifications: Blessed is that servant.

Learn hence, That the ministers of the gospel are in a special sense the stewards of Christ’s household.

2. That faithfulness and prudence are the necessary and indispensable qualifications of Christ’s stewards.

3. That wherever these qualifications are found, Christ will graciously and abundantly reward them.

Our faithfulness must respect God, ourselves, and our flock, and includes our integrity of heart, purity of intention, industry of endeavour, impartiality in our administrations.

Prudence appears in the choice of suitable subjects, in the choice of fit language, in exciting our own affections in order to the moving of our people’s.

Ministerial prudence will teach us, by the strictness and gravity of our deportment, to maintain our esteem in the consciences of our people. It will assist us to bear reproach, and direct us to give reproof; he that is silent cannot be innocent; reprove we must, or we cannot be faithful; but prudently, or we cannot be successful.