Matthew 22 quiz

This quiz is based on Matthew chapter 22. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. For multiple-choice questions, any wrong choice of answer costs you 1 mark.

1. According to the parable, what happened to the man who came to the wedding feast without wearing a wedding clothes?
2. Who did the Pharisees send to tempt Jesus on their behalf?
3. Which religious party did not believe in the resurrection?
4. What was the reaction of the people when they heard the answer Jesus gave those who asked a question about the resurrection?
5. The lawyer who asked a question about the greatest commandment was from which religious party?
6. Which people came to ask Jesus a question about the resurrection?
7. On which commandments hang the law and the prophets?
8. According to Matthew 22, what is the kingdom of God likened to?
9. About which religious party did Jesus say that they did not know the law?
10. Who did Jesus refer to as hypocrites in Matthew 22:18?


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