What does Matthew 1:24 mean?

Matthew 1:24 KJV
Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:

Matthew 1:24 NKJV
Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife,

Matthew 1:24 MKJV
And Joseph, being roused from sleep, did as the angel of [the] Lord commanded him and took his wife,

Matthew 1:24 KJV 2000
Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:

Interlinear KJV

Then /de/ Joseph /Ioseph/ being raised /diegeiro/ from /apo/ sleep /hupnos/ did /poieo/ as /hos/ the angel /aggelos/ of the Lord /kurios/ had bidden /prostasso/ him, /autos/ and /kai/ took /paralambano/ unto him /autos/ his wife: /gune/

The Fourfold Gospel

And Joseph . . . did as the angel of the Lord commanded him. Joseph followed the instructions, though contrary to his first inclination. Blessed are they who permit God to guide them. As Joseph appears to have acted at once upon the angel’s instruction, the marriage must have taken place several months prior to the birth of Jesus.

And took unto him his wife. Thus becoming the legally recognized father of Jesus, and though he bestowed upon Jesus but a humble name, he nevertheless rescued him from the reproach of an illegitimate birth (Mt 13:55; Lu 4:22).

(TFG 26-27)

| Mt ch 1 | Mt 1:1 | Mt 1:2 | Mt 1:3 | Mt 1:4 | Mt 1:5 | Mt 1:6 | Mt 1:7 | Mt 1:8 | Mt 1:9 | Mt 1:10 | Mt 1:11 | Mt 1:12 | Mt 1:13 | Mt 1:14 | Mt 1:15 | Mt 1:16 | Mt 1:17 | Mt 1:18 | Mt 1:19 | Mt 1:20 | Mt 1:21 | Mt 1:22 | Mt 1:23 | Mt 1:24 | Mt 1:25 |