What is the meaning of Mark 9:3-8?

BURKITT : | Mr 9:1 | Mr 9:2 | Mr 9:3-8 | Mr 9:9-13 | Mr 9v14-29 | Mr 9:30-32 | Mr 9:33-37 | Mr 9:38-42 | Mr 9:43-48 | Mr 9:49 | Mr 9:50 | KJV


3 And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them. 4 And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus. 5 And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 6 For he wist not what to say; for they were sore afraid. 7 And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. 8 And suddenly, when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Jesus only with themselves. (Mark 9:3-8 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Observe here, 1. That to confirm the disciples’ faith in the truth of Christ’s divine nature, he was pleased to suffer the rays of his divinity to dart forth before their eyes, so far as they were able to bear it. His face shined with a pleasing brightness, and his raiment with such a glorious lustre, as did at once both delight and dazzle the eyes of the disciples.

Observe, 2. The choice which our Saviour makes of the witnesses of his glorious transfiguration; his three disciples, Peter, James, and John. But why disciples? Why three disciples? Why these three?

1. Why disciples? Because this transfiguration was a type and shadow of his glory in heaven: Christ vouchsafes therefore the earnest and first fruits of that glory only to saints, upon whom he intended to bestow the full harvest in due time.

2. Why three disciples? Because three were sufficient to witness the truth and reality of this miracle. Judas was unworthy of this favour; yet lest he should murmur, or be discontented, others are left out as well as he.

But, 3. Why these three, rather than others?

Probably, 1. Because these three were more eminent for grace, zeal, and love towards Christ. Now the most eminent manifestations of glory are made to those that are most excelling in grace.

2. These three disciples were witnesses of Christ’s agony and passion; to prepare them for which, they are here made witnesses of his transfiguration. This glorious vision on Mount Tabor fitted them to abide by the terror of mount Calvary.

Observe, 3. The glorious attendants upon our Saviour at his transfiguration. They were two, two men; and those two men, Moses and Elias. This being but a glimpse of Christ’s glory, not a full manifestation of it, only two of the glorified saints attend at it. These two attendants are not two angels, but two men; because men were more nearly concerned than angels about what was done.

But why Moses and Elias, rather than other men?

1. Because Moses was the giver of the law, and Elias was the chief of the prophets. Now both these attending upon Christ, did show the consent of the law and the prophets with Christ, and their accomplishment and fulfillment in him.

2. Because these two were the most laborious servants of Christ, both adventured their lives n God’s cause, and therefore are highly honoured by him. For, Those that honour him, he will honour.

Observe, 4. The carriage and demeanor of the disciples upon this great occasion:

1. They supplicate Jesus, not Moses and Elias; they make no suit to them, but to Christ only: Master, it is good being here. O! what a ravishing comfort and satisfaction is the communion and fellowship of the saints! But the presence of Christ amongst them, renders their joys transporting.

2. They proffer their service to further their continuance of what they did enjoy; Let us make three tabernacles. Saints will stick at no pains or cost for the enjoyment of Christ’s presence and his people’s company.

Learn hence, That a glimpse of heaven’s glory is sufficient to wrap a soul in ecstasy and to make it out of love with worldly company.

2. That we are too apt to desire more of heaven upon earth than God will allow. We would have the heavenly glory come down to us, but are unwilling by death to go up to that.

Observe, 5. How a cloud was put before the disciples’ eyes, when the divine glory was manifested to them; partly to allay the lustre and resplendency of that glory which they were swallowed up with: the glory of heaven is insupportable in this sinful state; we cannot bear it unveiled: and partly to hinder their farther prying and looking into that glory. We must be content to behold God through a cloud darkly here, ere long we shall see him face to face.

Observe, 6. The testimony given out of the cloud, by God the Father, concerning Jesus Christ his Son: This is my beloved Son, hear him.

Where note, 1. The dignity of his person; he is my Son. For nature co-essential, and for duration co-eternal, with his Father.

2. The endearedness of his relation; he is my beloved Son; because of his conformity to me, and compliance with me. Likeness is the cause of love; and a union and harmony of wills cause a mutual endearing of affections.

3. The authority of his doctrine; Hear ye him; not Moses and Elias, who were servants, but Christ, my Son, whom I have commissioned to be the great Prophet and Teacher of my church. Therefore, adore him as my Son, believe in him as your Saviour, and hear him as your Law-giver. The obedient ear honours Christ more than either the gazing eye, the adoring knee, or the applauding tongue.

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