Mark 3 Quiz

This quiz is based on Mark chapter 3. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. For multiple-choice questions, any wrong choice of answer costs you 1 mark.

1. Where did Jesus meet the man with a withered hand?
2. According to Mark 3, why was Jesus angry and grieved?
3. Why did the Pharisees and the Herodians take counsel to destroy Jesus?
4. According to Mark 3, where did some of the multitude that followed Jesus come from?
5. Why did Jesus prefer to get into a boat and preach to the people?
6. According to Mark 3, unclean spirits acknowledged Jesus to be what?
7. How many of the multitude of followers did Jesus select to be with Him for full-time ministry?
8. Why did Jesus call some disciples into full-time ministry?
9. Which disciples did Jesus surname Boanerges?
10. Which of the disciples of Jesus was a Canaanite?
11. According to Mark 3, what did Jesus’ friends think of Him when they heard what he was doing?
12. What was the meaning of Boanerges?
13. What was the name of the prince of devils?
14. According to Mark 3, which people came to look for Jesus?
15. Who does Jesus regard as His family?
16. According to Mark 3, who accused Jesus of using the power of the prince of devils?


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