What is the meaning of Mark 10:28?

Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee. (Mark 10:28 KJV)

Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee. (Mark 10:28 ASV)

Peter began to say to him, Behold, *we* have left all things and have followed thee. (Mark 10:28 DBY)

Peter began to tell him, “Behold, we have left all, and have followed you. (Mark 10:28 WEB)

And Peter began to say to him, `Lo, we left all, and we followed thee. (Mark 10:28 YLT)


Then <kai> Peter <Petros> began <archomai> to say <lego> unto him, <autos> Lo, <idou> we <hemeis> have left <aphiemi> all, <pas> and <kai> have followed <akoloutheo> thee. <soi> (Mark 10:28 KJV)

Matthew Poole’s Commentary

Ver. 28-31. See Poole on “Mt 19:27”, and following verses to Mt 19:30. Our Saviour having blessed the poor, especially such as had stripped themselves of all for his sake and the gospel’s, Peter raised up hopes to himself, who had no riches to trust in or have his heart cleave unto, and had stripped himself of all that little he had to follow Christ. Christ assures him that neither he, nor any other that had done so, should by it lose any thing; for though in this life they should have persecutions, yet they should be amply rewarded in value, if not in kind, in this world, and with infinite happiness in the next.

Philip Doddridge N.T

Then Peter replied, and with some warmth and confidence began to say unto him, Well, Master, behold we have done what this youth, hopeful as he seemed, had not the resolution to do; for though indeed we have not much, we have left all the little that we had in the world, and have at all adventures followed thee with the sincerest zeal and affection: what reward shall we therefore have? For we persuade ourselves thou wilt not permit us finally to be losers in thy cause.