What is the meaning of Mark 10:21-22?

BURKITT : | Mr 10V1-12 | Mr 10V13-16 | Mr 10:17 | Mr 10:18 | Mr 10:19 | Mr 10:20 | Mr 10:21-22 | Mr 10:23-27 | Mr 10:28-31 | Mr 10:32-34 | Mr 10:35-41 | Mr 10:42-45 | Mr 10v46-52 | KJV


21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. 22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions. (Mark 10:21-22 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Observe here, 1. Christ’s compassion towards this young man. He loved him with a love of pity and compassion, with a love of courtesy and respect.

There may be some very amiable and lovely qualities in natural and unregenerate man; and goodness, in what kind or degree soever it is, doth attract and draw forth Christ’s love towards a person. If Christ did love civility, what a respect has he for sincere sanctity!

Observe, 2. Our Lord’s admonition: One thing thou lackest, which was, true self-denial, in renouncing the sin of covetousness, and the inordinate love of worldly wealth.

We ought, upon God’s call to maintain such a readiness of mind, as to be willing to part with all for God’s sake which is dear unto us in this world.

Observe, 3. Our Lord’s injunction: Sell what thou hast, and give to the poor. This was not a common but a special precept, belonging particularly to this young man. It was a commandment of trial given to him, like that given to Abraham, Ge 22:1-24. to convince him of his corrupt confidence in his riches: yet it is thus far of general use to us all, to teach us so to contemn worldly possessions, as to be willing to part with them when they hinder our happiness and salvation.

It follows, And take up thy cross; an allusion to the Roman custom, when the malefactor was to be crucified, he bore his cross upon his shoulder and carried it to the place of execution. It is not the taking, but the patient bearing, of the cross, which is our duty.

Learn, That all Christ’s followers should prepare their shoulders for Christ’s cross. To bear the cross, implies faithfulness and integrity without shifting, patience and submission without murmuring, joy and cheerfulness without fainting.

Observe, 4. The effect which our Saviour’s admonition had upon this young person: He was sad and grieved at that saying.

Thence note, That carnal men are sad and exceeding sorrowful, when they cannot win heaven in their own way.

2. That such as are wedded to the world, will renounce Christ rather than the world, when the world and Christ stand in competition.