What is the meaning of Mark 1:2?

Mr 1:2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

William Burkitt

St. Mark begins his gospel with an account of St. John the Baptist’s preaching and ministry, and declares 1. That the prophets of old, particularly Isaiah and Malachi, did long before foretell the Baptist’s message and ministry; that he should go before Christ as his harbinger to prepare the way for him: Behold, I send my messenger to prepare thy way.

Where note, 1. The dignity and authority of the ministers of Christ: they are his messengers sent by him to deliver his mind and will unto his people. This ministerial mission is twofold, extraordinary and ordinary; the former when God immediately by himself calls men to the holy function; the latter, when he uses the ministry of men in order thereunto.

Observe, 2. The work and office of the ministers of Christ declared, and that is, to prepare people to receive Jesus Christ, offered and tendered to them in the gospel. Behold, I send my messenger, to prepare thy way before thee.

Learn thence, That the great design and end of the ministry of the word, is, to prepare and fit men for entertaining the holy religion of Christ in their hearts, and to oblige them to walk according to the rules and directions of it in their lives. St. Mark begins his gospel with an account of St. John the Baptist’s preaching and ministry, and declares, 1. That the prophets of old, particularly Isaiah and Malachi, did long before foretell the Baptist’s message and ministry; that he should go before Christ as his harbinger to prepare the way for him: Behold, I send my messenger to prepare thy way.

Where note, 1. The dignity and authority of the ministers of Christ: they are his messengers sent by him to deliver his mind and will unto his people. This ministerial mission is twofold, extraordinary and ordinary; the former when God immediately by himself calls men to the holy function; the latter, when he uses the ministry of men in order thereunto.

Observe, 2. The work and office of the ministers of Christ declared, and that is, to prepare people to receive Jesus Christ, offered and tendered to them in the gospel. Behold, I send my messenger, to prepare thy way before thee.

Learn thence, That the great design and end of the ministry of the word, is, to prepare and fit men for entertaining the holy religion of Christ in their hearts, and to oblige them to walk according to the rules and directions of it in their lives.

BURKITT: | Mr 1:1 | Mr 1:2 | Mr 1:3 | Mr 1:4 | Mr 1:5 | Mr 1:6 | Mr 1:7 | Mr 1:8 | Mr 1:9-11 | Mr 1v12-13 | Mr 1:14-15 | Mr 1:16-20 | Mr 1:21-22 | Mr 1:23-27 | Mr 1:28-31 | Mr 1:32-34 | Mr 1:35 | Mr 1:36-39 | Mr 1:40-45 |