The man born blind quiz

This quiz is based on the event where Jesus miraculously healed a blind man. The event can be found in John 9:1-12 NIV.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. How did the man become blind?
2. According to Jesus Christ, as long as it is day,                                 .
3. Jesus says while He is in the world,                                 .
4. To heal the blind man, Jesus put mud on the blind man's                                 .
5. Where did Jesus tell the blind man to go and wash himself after putting mud on him?
6. What word means Sent?
7. How did Jesus make the mud?
8. Whose fault was it that the man was blind?
9. According to Jesus, we stop working                            .
10. Later, after Jesus had healed the blind man, people asked him the whereabouts of Jesus. What did he say in reply?


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