Malachi 2 Quiz

This quiz is based on Malachi chapter 2 (KJV). All questions are compulsory. Do well to answer all of them before submission.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. What did God threaten to do to the priests if they did not listen to His commandment?
2. Why did God have a covenant with Levi?
3. What did God threaten to do against the priest for them to know that he had sent His commandment to them?
4. What did God accuse the priests of?
5. What quality or value was credited to Levi?
6. What was the nature of the covenant God had with Levi?
7. According to Malachi 2, what qualities did God expect from a priest?
8. What punishment did God bring upon the priests for not keeping His ways?
9. How did the Israelites deal treacherously with one another?
10. How did Judah deal treacherously?
11. What would God do to the Israelites who had foreign wives?
12. According to Malachi 2, divorce was likened to what?
13. What was the Israelites' response forasmuch as God did not regard nor receive their offering with goodwill?
14. Why has God refused Israel's offering?
15. Why did God make the husband and the wife one?
16. What caution did God give the Israelites concerning their wives?
17. What did God say He hates?
18. God accused the Israelites of what?
19. What did the Israelites say to weary the Lord?
20. According to Malachi 2, a priest is what?


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